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Open Beta Aion

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Open Beta Aion Empty Open Beta Aion

Message  Jeryagor Jeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 22:00

Within the next four weeks, NCsoft will treat European and North
American gamers to two opportunities to jump into the world of Aion and
explore Atreia as Asmodian or Elyos characters ahead of its release in
Europe on 25nd September and North America 22th September. Aion’s Open
Beta Test featuring version 1.5 will take place 6-13th September and
will include numerous Western enhancements, including improvements to
Aion’s innovative character customisation with a host of Western
styles, as well as new zones, instances, skills, quests and continued
game balancing and improvements. Open Beta will retain a level cap for
both Elyos and Asmodians characters at 30 allowing players to focus on
getting to the same level so they can explore the lands of Atreia
together, as well as the Abyss.

Players who have pre-ordered
Aion will be treated to a Pre-Select and a two-day Headstart period
giving them the opportunity to explore, organise and progress through
the game prior to the official launch. Pre-Select will take place on
18th September, while Aion’s Headstart will begin 20th September.
Players can still participate in the Aion’s Pre-Select and Headstart
programs by pre-ordering the game through several participating online
and brick-and-mortar retailers. For a complete list please go to

any MMO before it, Aion is a uniquely crafted online experience where
flight offers much more than just a way to explore the landscape – it
is a strategic and integral part of combat, quests, and exploration.
Players will dive into battle and plunge through thousands of unique,
story-driven quests, all while trying to save a world literally
shattered in half from centuries of brutal conflict. Using one of the
most flexible and in-depth character customisation systems ever
featured in an MMO, players will be able to create genuinely distinct
characters and explore a visually stunning world of ethereal beauty
brimming with otherworldly inhabitants, mysterious enemies, and ancient
Pour les fainéasses, Open Beta d'Aion en version 1.5 du 6 au 13 septembre :p

Nombre de messages : 940
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulouse
Fonction : Etudiant
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2006

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Open Beta Aion Empty Re: Open Beta Aion

Message  Wifsimster Jeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 22:45

Merci du tuyau !

En clair pile quand je pars s'pas cool >.<
Admin BeTa
Admin BeTa

Nombre de messages : 2890
Age : 36
Localisation : Tours
Fonction : Etudiant Polytech'Tours - DI
Loisirs : Président / Administrateur BeTa
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2006

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Open Beta Aion Empty Re: Open Beta Aion

Message  Jeryagor Ven 28 Aoû 2009 - 0:47

Wifsimster a écrit:En clair pile quand je pars s'pas cool >.<
Pour moi c'est pile quand je reviens. :D

Nombre de messages : 940
Age : 35
Localisation : Toulouse
Fonction : Etudiant
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2006

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Open Beta Aion Empty Re: Open Beta Aion

Message  Zartien Ven 28 Aoû 2009 - 1:51

Mouai mais bon après faut payer l'abonnement :p

Nombre de messages : 939
Age : 36
Localisation : France
Fonction : Dieu à temps plein
Loisirs : Etudiant
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2008

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